Animals which do not meet all the rules may have to be placed into quarantine for up to six months.
Will my pet cope well with travelling and hot climates?
Do I understand that there is a risk of my pet contracting serious infectious diseases not found in the UK.? (download our full leaflet from our document library for details of disease prevention Taking your Pet Abroad)
Do I understand that if my pet becomes unwell overseas I might not be allowed to bring him back until he is recovered.
Do I understand that a disease outbreak overseas might cause restriction (such as quarantine) to be placed on all returning pets.
Am I prepared for the costs, work and time involved in fulfilling the requirements of the PETS Travel Scheme?
Your pet needs to be microchipped before Rabies vaccination. The microchip needs to be ISO standard.
A rabies vaccine must be given at least 21 days before leaving the UK. Your pet needs to be at least 3 months old when vaccinated. Vaccination can be completed by a single injection, though we recommend two injections to ensure solid protection. For UK purposes the Rabies vaccination must be boosted every 3 years. (some countries, or even campsites, may require annual Rabies vaccination). If in any doubt vaccinate annually.
You will need a Pet's Passport completed correctly by your veterinary surgeon.
With an approved transport company on an authorised route.
Given by a vet (for Echinococcus) with an approved medication before re-entry to the UK (dogs only)
Before returning to the UK your pet must be given special tapeworm treatment (praziquantel) more than 24hrs and less than 5 days before scheduled arrival time in the UK. The treatment must be given by a vet, details added to your Pet's Passport, and signed by the vet. (You will need to find a vet practice on your travels).
N.B. These notes are intended as a guide only.
Every time you travel check with DEFRA that the regulations haven’t changed. Any new disease threat may influence the PETS regulations.
Keep your pet healthy! Pets are not permitted to travel if unwell.
Keep up with regular Flea and Tick prevention and regular worm with an approved medication.
Pet Travel Scheme helpline
0870 241 1710
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm (closed on bank holidays)