Apply the Goldilocks rule here; not too high, not too low, but just right! Chest level is perfect as birds placed too low can become anxious and those above eye level will start thinking they are superior to you. Even higher than that and you run the risk of the bird feeling isolated. If the cage does not hang freely, ensure it is placed on a completely level surface.
Caged birds need plenty of this from their humans and so their home should never be placed in a room that is infrequently used or it will become lonely. Again, try to find a happy medium as they don't want too much human interaction.
The centre of a room is not ideal for a cage; at least one side should be against a wall or other solid surface to offer a feeling of security and protection. Ideally, a corner should be chosen. With regards to windows, a lot will depend on your individual bird. Some hardy and confident types will have no problem being beside a window and would indeed be upset if they had this privilege taken away. Other more timid birds may be frightened if the outside environment is noisy or unpredictable; anything from dogs, cats and birds to storms, helicopters and aeroplanes can disturb and upset a bird. Temperature changes near a window are also more rapid, which can cause health problems in sensitive individuals.
Caged birds should NEVER be kept in either of these rooms. The rapidly changing heat and humidity levels are unhealthy and fumes from cooking can even be toxic to the point of fatality.
Birds are extremely sensitive to many substances commonly found around the house, including chemicals found in air fresheners and scented candles. It is not only these man made products that pose a threat; plants such as poinsettia, oleander and azalea can all be dangerous to birds and should not be in the same room as the cage. Smokers should obviously not be permitted to light up anywhere in the vicinity of a caged bird.
More information on the veterinary care of caged birds, where to site a bird's cage along with details on pet insurance.