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Sam wins a Fitbit!

Sam wins a fitbit

All veterinary surgeons have to continue their veterinary education and learning every year, even after they have qualified. This is monitored by the Royal Collage of Veterinary Surgeons and each vet has to do at least 105 hrs training/learning over a 3yr period, whilst they continue to work as a vet. There are many ways to do this CPD (Continued Professional Development), from on-line webinars, to workshops and talks, but Sam recently went on a two day Congress with Vets North.

This is an excellent way to learn and gain new information and there are also many other veterinary organisations there too. Some of these companies run competitions to engage the vets and promote their products. One of these companies is Abaxis, who provide laboratory machines to the veterinary sector - such as the machines that run your dog or cats blood tests when they come to the practice.

Sam only entered one competition whist on the course but was very happy to be informed she had won the Fitbit! This is like a watch that monitors your heart beat and exercise.

Sam recieves prize

Sam recieving her new fitbit from Ian of Abaxis.

Thank you very much to Abaxis and good luck to Sam who now has to make sure she does at least 10,000 steps every day!


7th July 2017, 14:44
Page updated 16th Nov 2017, 12:05
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