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Love your pet....Know your vet!

We all love our pets...but do you really know the vet that treats them?

love your pet...Know your vet

  • Who really is your vet?
  • Does the vet know you and your pet or do you see different vets all the time?
  • Who owns the practice you are taking your pet to?
  • What is important to your vet and the staff at your practice and who makes the decisions?

Take a look at our page "Love Your Pet....Know Your Vet!" and learn about the difference between a "Self-Owned" veterinary practice and the corporate owned or chain practice. 

Are you aware of the changes in the Veterinary Profession?

Best group

In the UK, there have been great changes in the veterinary profession during this last decade. There are two basic models when it comes to veterinary practices:

a)   Independent/ Self-owned or

b)   Corporate or Chain practices.  

When considering your options for veterinary care, it’s useful to know the difference to help you make the correct choice when deciding where to take your pet for veterinary care.

What about in our local area?

In Blackburn and the surrounding area, corporate/chain practice is now the norm. Even practices that are marketed as providing  “Independent” Vet Care or claim to be non-profit making are still owned or run in this non-traditional way.

Daisy Street Vets is now the ONLY “SELF-OWNED veterinary practice in Blackburn and the surrounding local area, following Springfields recent departure this Christmas.

Sam and John

Our vets (Sam and John) own, manage, run the practice and make all the decisions themselves.

Take a look why Self-owned v Corporate may matter to you and your pet!

1st February 2019, 12:04
Page updated 1st Feb 2019, 13:03
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