01254 53622(24 hour emergency)

Meet the tortoise on wheels

Meet one of our fabulous in-patients Peatree, a 7 year old Horsefield tortoise. He was brought in to see us because he had been experiencing lameness in his hind limbs. As a consequence he was struggling to drag the weight of his shell around which was leading him to become depressed and inappetent.

Upon further investigation, x-rays revealed a fractured pelvis and dislocated hips due to a calcium deficiency.

Vet in Blackburn

To help support his weight while his pelvis healed, toy wheels were attached to the bottom of his shell.

 Vet in Blackburn   

Peatree immediately took to the wheels and in no time was moving around happier and eating!

Vet in Blackburn      Vet in Blackburn


17th October 2016, 14:36
Page updated 16th Nov 2016, 07:25
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