01254 53622(24 hour emergency)

Can you help?

This week this budgie was brought into the practice after being found at Notre Dam Gardens. No owner could be found.

Do you know who this cheeky little bird belongs to? 

20171201_141712[416]       20171201_142021[419]

This cute little budgie seems very at home with the company here at Daisy Street Vets and loves eating and talking, well tweeting. However, he does need to find his home or find a new owner who will provide the care and love he deserves. 


If you can help, please give us a call at the practice on 01254 53622. Otherwise, if you can share this, it would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Sam Purcell Daisy Street Vets
Dec 2017

If you know anyone 


5th December 2017, 10:32
Page updated 11th Dec 2017, 10:16
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