The best time for neutering a dog or bitch is at 5 - 6 months of age. Older dogs or bitches can be neutered at any age providing the dog is healthy and not overweight. A bitch is not normally neutered during a season or a false pregnancy.
(Neutering a woman would give rise to hormone problems. However, the ovaries of a bitch spend most of the year inactive so neutering a bitch simply results in maintaining this state permanently and healthily).
Simply telephone us to book your dog's neutering: 01254 53622.
Your dog will come in the morning and go home in the afternoon. The operation will be carried out in the morning. As with any operation we will ask that your dog does not get any food after 8pm the previous evening. Your dog can have water during the night.
The vet or nurse will examine your dog with you when you arrive. Your dog will be weighed. Any further proceedures necessary will be discussed (we may need to mend other problems at the time of neutering such as cogenital hernias, tooth issues etc).
Your dog will be up and about by early afternoon, and is usually ready to go home soon after 3.00pm.
Dogs have remarkable powers of recovery and are usually back to normal within 3 to 4 days.
Yes there can be, in a small minority. There is a slight increase in risk of stress urinary incontinance in neutered bitches when they get older. This problem happens in entire bitches too (and humans unfortunately). Don't worry we have good medicines to control this problem should it happen. There are also very minor risks of infection and anaesthetic concerns. However and risks are vastly outweighed by the benefits of neutering.
Take a close look at our anaesthetic standard...
Neutering Dog Blackburn 5/5/16
We never used to neuter male dogs; most vets were male and didn't like the idea! It wasn't until we had enough female vets courageous enough to break the trend that we recognised just how many diseases were eliminated by neutering. We used to see the male diseases listed above on a daily basis (see 'five good reasons to neuter your male dog'). We still see all these disorders but virtually never in neutered males.
We used to neuter about 40% of female dogs in the 70's. The rest all ended up with pyometra, mammary cancers, false pregnancy and hormonal disorders. Now that we neuter 95% of pet bitches all of those disorders are becoming rare. We used to have an emergency pyometra operation at least once a week, now we see only 4 or 5 a year.