01254 53622(24 hour emergency)

Reviews and Guestbook

Reviews and guestbook

Please give us your feedback

Rating: 3 / 5
8th May 2022, 10:37 AM
Dave Barker
No comment left. Google review.
Website response: Thank you for reviewing us. Please let us know why there are a few stars missing so we can put things right if we can. Phone and ask for John or speak to one of the vets next time you are in.

Rating: 5 / 5
23rd April 2022, 2:35 PM
No Comment Left. 5 star review on Google.
Website response: Thank You. John and Sam.

Rating: 5 / 5
20th April 2022, 2:33 PM
Wendy Graham
Very friendly helpful staff. Did exactly what was asked for by myself, for my rabbit, and they did a general check up of him too. It was all a pleasant experience.
Website response: Thank You Wendy. John and Sam.

Rating: 5 / 5
22nd March 2022, 8:33 AM
Naomi Quin
5 Star Review. No comment left.
Website response: Thank You

Rating: 5 / 5
10th March 2022, 8:31 AM
Michael Stone
5 star review. No comment left
Website response: Thank You Michael

Rating: 5 / 5
8th March 2022, 1:54 PM
Kukasz Mikiciuk
5star Google Review. No Comment Left.
Website response: Thank You Kukasz

Rating: 5 / 5
8th February 2022, 11:33 AM
Carol Standen
Google Review.
Website response: Thank you Carol.

Rating: 5 / 5
6th February 2022, 11:32 AM
Maureen Catlow
Google Review
Website response: Thank You Maureen.

Rating: 5 / 5
24th December 2021, 9:00 AM
I cannot fault this practice. Their service has always been with 100% commitment to giving my pets the best treatment and follow up service. The staff are always professional,­friendly and helpful. A five star vetinary service
Website response: Thank you Janette. We all really appreciate your comments. Thanks again.

Rating: 5 / 5
21st December 2021, 12:35 PM
Ella Nicholas
Brilliant , saved my parrots leg .

Website response: I am glad Sasha is doing well. She is a very nice friendly parrot. John.

Please give us your feedback

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If you and your pet have visited Daisy Street Vets we would like to hear about your experience. It is very simple - just click the "Add Message" button below or leave a review on our Facebook page.

We also receive many cards and letters and if you are happy for these to be copied over to the website, please do let us know.

Thank you from all the staff at Daisy Street Vets.

Clients letters:

To all the staff at the Veterinary Health Centre. Just to say thank you for taking care...Paws Seasonal Greetings

Client letter

To review all clients letters go to: Clients Letters Archive

Page updated 5th Mar 2018, 14:33
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