Here at Daisy Street Vets, we are happy to announce a new, innovative treatment for controlling FLEAS AND TICKS in cats. It lasts for 3 months once applied. We think it is one of the best products for flea control in cats available at the moment. It is easy to apply either by us or you can do it at home. Vets are not allowed to mention any product names by law on websites. To order some and find out more about this new product (and what it is called!) telephone us on 01254 53622.
We are all familiar with the term "Spot-On" referring to liquid flea treatments that can be placed on the neck or back of our pets, that help treat or prevent flea infestations.
These can be bought as
However, now we are able to provide a new "Spot-On" that is extremely effective AND last for 3 months (12 weeks)!
This means you only have to apply the treatment 4 times a year rather than 12 times a year for year round protection.
What a lot of happy cats with happy owners we will have!
In addition to being an easier, more effective flea treatment, this treatment also treats Ticks. Recently in Blackburn, we have noticed an increase in the number of cats presenting at the surgery with ticks. Previously there were very few effective treatments or preventative treatments for ticks....
....Now there is!
We are all aware of diseases that can be transmitted by ticks and even infect people, so an effective tick prevention regime in cats can now be easily achieved.
To find out more, please give us a call at the surgery on 01254 53622 and ask about the new cat flea and tick treatment.
This can be easily prescribed and supplied to your registered pets who have been seen at the practice within the last 12 months.
Many of our dog owners have been enjoying the benefit of the same treatment for their dogs for a couple of years now...why not treat your cat to the same level of protection!